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CHIKARA Update Workshop Part 1
Participants working with Udagawa-sensei
Participants working with Udagawa-sensei

On 28th and 29th May, seventeen Japanese-language teachers visited the Japan Foundation to take part in the first CHIKARA Update Workshop.

CHIKARA is a set of resources for GCSE Japanese which were created by the Japan Foundation and Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation in 2008.

The workshop aimed to give the teachers some insight into the changes in the new GCSE syllabus and how CHIKARA can be used in relation to this. Participants looked in detail at the sentence structures, vocabulary, topics and kanji required for GCSE and the support that the CHIKARA resources can provide. Participants made their own plans using the topic, 'basic weather', and shared their ideas as a group.

Further workshops will be held in 2009-10 so please look out for information in the teaching events section of this website.