Japanese Taster for Schools (JTS) Programme
What is the Japanese Taster for Schools (JTS) Programme?

The Japan Taster for Schools (JTS) Programme exists to create links between schools and Japanese-speaking volunteers. JTS volunteers carry out school visits across the UK to introduce students at any level to the Japanese language, often as part of an International or Japan day. One of the main purposes of JTS is to give schools that do not teach Japanese the opportunity to find out what it is like to learn the language and to provide them with further information should they wish to start offering Japanese.
Japan Foundation London currently has a UK-wide network of over 300 volunteers, and we're always looking for more! Guidance and training sessions are offered to all members to prepare them for delivering Japanese taster sessions at schools.
Click here to view our What’s On page and see if there’s a Training Day coming up in the near future.
Is your school interested in organising a Japanese Language Taster?

Is your school organising an International Day? Or even a Japan day? Whatever your motivation, why not introduce your students to the language of Manga, Karate, Sushi and much more…?!
The main purpose of a Japanese taster is to introduce schools that are not currently teaching Japanese to the language and culture, and to inform them of how to go about introducing the language as an extra-curricular activity or curriculum subject. JTS visits can be arranged to take place at schools around the UK.
Before booking the taster, please read our information brochure about the JTS Programme. We also suggest looking at our “How does a JTS session work” flowchart as well (the English version is on the second page)
To book your taster session, please click here to apply using our online application form. (The registration form uses Google Forms and is subject to Google's standard terms and conditions of use.)
Alternatively, please click here to download programme information and an application form, and send it by email or post.
Are you interested in becoming a JTS volunteer?
Can you speak Japanese?
Are you keen to promote the language to young people around the UK? If so, the Japan Foundation needs YOU!
By joining the Japan Taster for Schools (JTS) Programme you will be a member of a UK-wide network of
Japanese speakers who are keen to visit schools on a one-shot basis to
carry out Japanese language tasters. JTS is as big a time commitment
as you want it to be. You are never obliged to do a school visit, yet if
you are have time to spare, are keen and enthusiastic, it is a great opportunity
to get some teaching experience. The Japan Foundation provides free
training sessions to help prepare you for school visits, which are
held at our London office.
For more information, please click here to read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the programme.
To become a member, please click here to apply using our online membership application form. (The registration form uses Google Forms and is subject to Google's standard terms and conditions of use.)
Alternatively, please click here to download programme information and an application form, and send it by email or post.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for JTS volunteers
Click here
for information about training days for volunteers.
How does a Japanese Taster for Schools (JTS) session work Flowchart
This flowchart, in both Japanese and English, explains the process of a JTS Japanese taster, from booking to completion
Japanese Taster Lesson Resource Activity Pack (Draft Version)
A brand new resource created by the Japan Foundation London, this Taster Pack is designed for teachers and JTS Programme volunteers looking for ideas for teaching one-off sessions in Japanese. It's packed full of fun games, activities and lesson ideas for introducing basic Japanese language and culture for primary and secondary school pupils.
Please see the Teaching Resources page to download more resources which could be used for your language taster and the Links page for useful websites.
Previous JTS Visits

Reports from JTS tasters that took place in 2018-19 can be found here.
You can also view reports from previous years:
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
Suggest a School
Are there any schools in your area where you would like to give a Japanese language taster?
Do you know any schools who might be interested in having a Japanese language taster?
If you are a JTS member and answered YES to either of the above please complete this Suggest a School form and send it back to the Japan Foundation, so that we can help arrange the school visit for you.
Japan Foundation will then send an information pack to the school, and inform them that you are in the area and interested in doing a language taster for them. If interested, the school returns application, and Japan Foundation contacts you. Finally, you contact school to make arrangements.
Please note that it may be some time before you hear from the school. Please also note that the school may decide not to hold a Japanese taster.