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Performing Arts Japan Programme for Europe 2015-2016

The Japan Foundation is now accepting proposals for projects to receive Performing Arts Japan Programme for Europe (PAJ Europe) Touring and Collaboration grants for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. To apply for the programme, please read the information on the Performing Arts Funding page carefully and contact the relevant Japan Foundation office in Europe to discuss eligibility. The deadline for projects taking place between 1 April 2015 and 30 June 2016, is 30 October 2014.


Performing Arts Japan Programme for Europe (PAJ Europe) was started by the Japan Foundation in 2006 to revitalise and facilitate the exchange between leading artists in Europe and Japan. The main feature of this scheme is that this grant will be made available to those organisers based in Europe who are planning to organise Japan-related performing arts projects in European regions. The applications will be screened by an annually appointed panel of advisors who are specialists in the area of performing arts in Europe. Successful applicants will receive grants towards part of the cost of implementing their project.

To date, PAJ Europe has funded 109 projects (including 62 touring and 47 collaboration projects) of Japanese performing arts in both traditional and contemporary art forms. In the 2014-2015 fiscal year, 12 projects (7 touring and 5 collaboration projects) were selected under the programme, for a total amount of 142,000 euros.