The Japan Foundation London Library has launched a campaign to encourage school students who are interested in Japanese to visit our library during half term between 17th – 21st of February.
- Secondary school, sixth form and college students: The first 70 students to visit the library will receive a limited edition present.
- We will also be giving out (free) practice questions for GCSE/A-LEVEL/IB/JLPT exams. If you get over 60% of the answers correct, we have some cute stickers to give you as a prize.
- If you fill out one of our questionnaires, you will be put into a draw to win a fantastic prize.
The Japan Foundation London library has lots of Japanese books, manga and magazines.
During the half term period we will also have an exhibition of things such as a Japanese high school quiz and Edo period style wigs for town girls and samurai. You can even try on the wigs and take a photo.
You can also have a go at the Japanese games of Go and Shogi (Japanese chess)
So this half term, please do come and visit the Japan Foundation London Library. We’re really looking forward to seeing you.
Library opening hours:
- Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
- Tuesdays: 2pm to 7pm