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Japan Foundation / BAJS Post-Graduate Workshop

Thursday 12th January saw us hosting a Post-Graduate Workshop in collaboration with the British Association of Japanese Studies. Prof Akihiro Kitada of the University of Tokyo, currently visiting the University of Leipzig, gave a keynote presentation on the topic of 'Globalisation and the Galapagos Effect of Knowledge?'. This was then followed by more practical training sessions by Prof Chris Hughes, President of BAJS, on the topic of journal publishing, and then Dr Thomas McAuley and Ms Luli Ishikawa-van der Does from the University of Sheffield gave an interactive presentation on how to present papers in Japanese. The day finished with presentations by Dr Brigitte Steger, representing the European Association of Japanese Studies, Jason James, Director-General of the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, and Ryoko Kaga and Polly Watson from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. We are very grateful to all of our speakers as well as the Post-Graduate students who came from across the country to make the day a great success.