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Japanese Study Seminar - Meiji II: Call for participation

Centre Europeen d'Etudes Japonsaises d'Alsace (CEEJA) and the Japan FOundation (JF) are inviting applications to participate in the Japanese Study Seminar - Meiji II, scheduled to take place on 24 and 25 September 2010 at CEEJA in Kinetzheim, France.

This Japanese Study Seminar aims to encourage networking among young researchers on Japan in Europe and deepen further promotion of Japanese Studies in Europe.

Participants will join a two-day intensive workshop in the cosy and intimate atmosphere of CEEJS's facility in Kientzheim and present and discuss their current research projects amongst each other, as well as with a guest Mentor from Japan.

Following last year, the subject of this year's seminar will be "Meiji" We are calling for young researchers in Europe who specialise in politics, history, society, literature, arts, language, thoughts, economy, city and architecture, religions etc. of this unique juncture of Japanese modern history.

Please download the attachment below for further information.

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