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Artist Talk by Riusuke Fukahori
Artist Talk by Riusuke Fukahori

Riusuke Fukahori is a talented Japanese artist who is renowned for developing a unique technique whereby layers of resin are successively poured and painted on to produce hyper realistic representations of goldfish swimming in water. His meticulous work recently burst into popular culture after a video of his process went viral, racking up almost three and a half million views on YouTube. As a result he received critical acclaim and has exhibited worldwide.

In this talk Fukahori, who sits in the distinct position of applying scrupulous techniques to portray the intentions of an aesthetically conscious artist, will introduce his complex production methods and explain the motivation behind the use of goldfish as a recurrent motif in his work. Considering his aims as an artist, Fukahori will also talk about how he has developed skills needed for his impeccably crafted and extremely lifelike work over the years, and has continued to try and capture the ephemeral beauty of the goldfish.

After his talk, Fukahori will do a live painting demonstration of his intricate practice.