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Rakugo - Performance and Introductory Lecture for Japanese Language and Japanese Intellectual Studies

On 25th June 2020, we held a “Rakugo Performance and Introductory Lecture for Japanese Language Education and Japanese Intellectual Studies” event.

We were proud to offer those involved in Japanese language education and Japanese intellectual studies an opportunity to participate in our online performance and lecture. The online event incorporated a lecture given by Professor Kazumi Hatasa of Purdue University, as well as performances from renowned Rakugo Masters Yanagiya Sankyō and Ryūtei Saryū.

This was an online event that connected educators and students across the world to learn about Rakugo, the traditional art of one-man storytelling that has existed in Japan for over four hundred years. Our aim was to have participants from many walks of life come together to learn about Rakugo. We had undergraduates, professors, PhD students and more all taking part.

As well as funny and moving performances from both Rakugo Masters, we enjoyed listening to Professor Hatasa talked about his passion for Rakugo and sharing his expertise with us.

The event consisted of an introduction to Rakugo, followed by a demonstration of Rakugo gestures. Participants were then treated to two Rakugo performances, “Tsuru” and “Ikyuo-mochi”. Finally, there was a bilingual question and answer session which gave participants the rare opportunity to ask questions directly to people who have been involved in Rakugo for many years.

We were proud to have an almost 100% satisfaction rate for this event. Some of the comments we received were:

  • “First time seeing a live Rakugo performance even though through zoom but it was still amazing!”

  • “I think the event was really well balanced. The introduction was articulated, but not too long, explanations were straight to the point and the performances were wonderful. I enjoyed it a lot.”

  • “All parts were fascinating, relevant and very enjoyable! The performances in particular had me enraptured (though again, I really enjoyed pretty much everything about this.”

We were also honoured that one of the participants made beautiful hand-made card following the event:

“A single moment when our hearts trembled and danced together” – Nayuta Brand

We hope that we can run more Rakugo events in the future and that people are interested in learning about this brilliant traditional Japanese performance art.